Placemaking and Sport

Discovering innovative solutions for the sport and physical activity sector through placemaking.

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  • Sophia Schuff Gehl Denmark
    Our job is to bring policy makers at eye level, get them onto streets and talking to communities. Often we find that many of the policy makers we work with have never been into the community they are working to design.
  • Remco Hoekman Mulier Institute and Radboud University the Netherlands
    I think most of the effect of placemaking is on the social aspects – bringing people together and the cohesion of society taking ownership of their own environment. It’s difficult to monetarise because it’s far better than money, and that should be the message to politicians.
  • Oliver Vanges Danish Foundation for Culture and Sports Facilities/LOA Fonden Denmark
    Municipalities are way too modest and way too invisible in what they want to do with their city and their spaces. There’s an arm’s length principle that can turn into a fear of not touching anything. You need to be clear that what you want is an active city and make that statement.
  • Rachel Payne ISCA Denmark
    Placemaking is an art. It is design. And it is integral to how we experience the spaces in which we move around every day.

Rethinking sport and physical activity through placemaking

An 18-month Erasmus+ project that is enabling sport organisations to rethink their sport and physical activity offers through placemaking. Five sports organisations are pairing up with five European cities to pilot their ideas for active placemaking initiatives in public spaces, guided by experts in the field Gehl and BG Be Active. We’ll showcase the results and further inspiration right here on our project hub.

Project objectives

To enable sport organisations to rethink their sport and physical activity offers through placemaking, and to pilot specific placemaking infrastructure developments and new activity programmes in public spaces in 5 European cities.

To compile an inspirational knowledge and practice base on placemaking and sport in Europe.

To test and demonstrate the value of placemaking for sport through 5 pilot actions with sport organisations and cities in Denmark, France, Italy, Malta and Spain.

To build capacities in further sport organisations to take up placemaking approaches.

Who does the project aim to reach?

The direct target group of the project is the sport and placemaking stakeholders who collaborate to redesign public spaces and activities. These include sport organisations, city representatives, community organisations, placemaking experts and urban designers.

At the same time, the project will work with a wider community of stakeholders that influence the design of our urban spaces and policies for sport, physical activities and citizen engagement.

The ultimate target group is the citizens who make use of the public places that are developed through placemaking processes.


BG Be Active Bulgaria
DES Spain
DGI Denmark
Gehl Denmark
MOVE Malta Malta
UISP Italy


"Project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them."