Revitalising Piazza degli Olmi: Renovating Matera's urban plaza into a multifunctional community space

By Victor Baviere

Transforming an urban plaza into an inclusive, multifunctional space for the community—led by the community? Challenge accepted by UISP Matera!

As part of the Placemaking and Sport - Innovative European Solutions project, organisations from five European countries – Denmark, Italy, Spain, Malta and France - teamed up with five municipalities: Copenhagen, Matera, Valencia, Cottonera and Nice. They collaborated with ISCA and placemaking experts from BG BeActive (Bulgaria) and Gehl (Denmark) to reimagine urban spaces as innovative and inclusive areas. Guided by the active promotion of physical activity, the project sparks civic engagement, healthy lifestyles, and sustainable urban regeneration across all generations.

The revitalisation of Piazza degli Olmi in northern Matera was achieved through involvement and close collaboration among residents, schools, associations, and municipal authorities.

Together, they transformed the square into a welcoming space ideal for outdoor activities. They connected diverse groups—including refugees, the elderly, youth, and individuals with disabilities—to physical activity through free workshops, innovative sports like tchoukball and plogging, and the creation of sports clubs for students lacking access to sports opportunities.

Through these inclusive measures, UISP Matera has redefined physical activity as a collaborative endeavour rather than a competitive one. Everyone should feel safe and welcome when being physically active!

This initiative not only promoted physical activity but also positioned Matera at the forefront of vibrant exchanges and sustainable practices, serving as an inspiration. Highlights include:

  • Organising a National Seminar on Placemaking and Sport in collaboration with the University of Basilicata and local high schools.
  • Engaging in gardening activities to transform the square into a greener area, with a new flowerbed.

This experience marks the first step for cities that listen to and care for the needs of their citizens. It's time to get moving!

Watch the video to immerse yourself in the making of the revitalization of Piazza degli Olmi:

Discover more about the initiative

Disclaimer: Placemaking and sport - Innovative European solutions project is co-funded by European Commission under the Pilot Projects & Preparation Actions (PPPA), PPPA-SPORT-2022 GRASSROOTS-INNOVATION Programme with the following partners: ISCA (lead coordinator); Unione Italiana Sport Per Tutti (UISP), Italy, and Pilot City Matera;  DGI, Denmark, and Pilot City Copenhagen; Deporte Para La Educacion Y La Salud (DES), Spain, and Pilot city Valencia; MOVE Malta and Pilot city Valletta, Azur Sport Sante, France, and Pilot city Nice as well as the experts from  BG Be Active (Bulgaria) and Gehl (Denmark). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Posted on 13/02/2025 by Victor Baviere

"Project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them."